thats me.
Ayeeee Sexxxaayyy ;D
ksoo, im feena. (; What do you want from mehh bitch? haha kiddingg. if you wanna know me, just ADD ME on myspace but you gotta read this shizz. i know you hate reading this but KEEP READING ! jsjs. i guess you're suck if your not reading this. lmfaolmfao. well, im farhana. im 14. i made my mom scream on february 1st. lmfaolmfao. if i dont talk to you, theres a reason, there is a 99% chance i will not reply.i like people that can actually hold a conversation . People have broken my heart alot of times. but i learned from mistakes. Btw just because i say haha or LMFAO doesnt means i laugh fo'real. i like being random.i hate annoying people that keep asking meh stupid question. im single so, be flirty. xD if i was talking to you, that doesnt mean i like you. js. i HATE message. but i like COMMENT im done writing this. hmm well if your still reading this . you should stop . like . NOW ! Kbye ;D
"jom bce hadis-hadis daripada RASULULLAH SAW kepada kaum wanita..menarik sangat2...jangan lupe jadi mbe hacker tau..."